Moog Griesheim 61dwE

Laser vibrometers

Acoustic resonance testing for quality control

Acoustic resonance testing for quality control

In industrial manufacturing, resonant testing is often used in the end-of-line test, allowing clear pass-fail decisions and detecting defects for consequently excluding rejects from production lines. Optical vibration sensors like laser vibrometers provide a non-contact and high precision way for determining the resonance frequency and provide significant advantages for quality control.

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Driverless – but with brains: safe braking technologies for AGVs

Driverless – but with brains: safe braking technologies for AGVs

Kendrion & Intorq offer intelligent brakes that guarantee the safety of application.

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Housing bearings

From very small to really big

From very small to really big

Complete portfolio of Findling rolling bearings.

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Motion Control

High-performance motion control increases flexibility and machine speed

High-performance motion control increases flexibility and machine speed

For their their tea-bag packaging machine, Teepack relies on PC-based control and drive technology from Beckhoff, and thus is setting a new benchmark in terms of speed and precision.

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NextGen-initiative continues

NextGen-initiative continues

Posital announces SSI Interfaces for its new generation of absolute encoders.

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Magnetising systems

Rotary magnetizing systems with DIN SPEC 91411-compliant programming

Rotary magnetizing systems with DIN SPEC 91411-compliant programming

The programming of ITK's rotary magnetizers for writing magnetic scales is based on the new DIN SPEC 91411 – for more productivity in the manufacturing of measurement scales.

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Force Feedback: safety in machine operation even without hardware keys

Force Feedback: safety in machine operation even without hardware keys

The increasing automation of machines and applications has changed the way systems are operated. Human-machine interfaces (HMIs) have seen a dramatic evolution.

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Flat motors

Autonomous towing robots speeding up material handling

Autonomous towing robots speeding up material handling

Omnidirectional movement and smart docking cart in under 20 seconds – these new robots, driven by maxon flat motors, are making material handling faster and safer.

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