
Even more drive power

Even more drive power

Oriental Motor has developed a new CS gearbox that significantly expands the application areas of its PKP stepper motors. The steppers already have a torque that is up to 70 percent higher than comparable drives of the same size. The CS gearbox increases this value even further.

With the CS gearbox, Oriental Motor is responding to the growing demand for drives with a high permissible torque. The new gearbox is the further development of a conventional spur gear. Through various design measures, the engineers at Oriental Motor were not only able to reduce the installation space of the gearbox, but also increase the gear ratio many times over. The drive specialists added a projection to the housing of the new CS gearbox, among other things.

This measure creates space for the installation of a larger gear in the gearbox output stage than is possible with standard spur gears. With the help of the larger gear, the gear ratio of the new CS gearbox can be increased to 20, while other gearboxes of this type can only reach a maximum of 10. The better gear ratio of the CS gearbox enables the transmission of higher torques, which are particularly in demand in applications such as CNC milling machines, scanners, cameras, labeling systems and conveyor systems.

Machine builders also benefit from the use of the new CS gearbox through increased flexibility. With conventional CS gearboxes with planetary drives, the gearbox must be combined with a different drive for each desired gear ratio. This is different with the CS gearbox from Oriental Motor: Since it provides various gear ratios, a single drive can be used for many applications.

Another advantage of the new CS gearbox is the positioning of the output shaft in the center of the flange or mounting surface. This makes it much easier to attach accessories than with classic spur gears.
