Servo drives

For long travel distances

For long travel distances

The servomotors in the AZX series from Oriental Motor achieve high torques in the upper speed range. This performance makes the drives particularly suitable for applications with long travel distances. The integrated battery-free absolute sensor ensures that the position information is always available.

Oriental Motor has developed its AZX series servomotors specifically for positioning and continuous operation. The absolute system of the built-in mechanical encoder enables fast travel to the home position and therefore shorter machine cycles. The absolute sensor also improves the accuracy of referencing.

The mechanical multiturn absolute encoder detects the absolute position of the drive up to ±900 revolutions (1800 revolutions) of the motor shaft from the reference point position. It also retains the recorded position values even when switched off. Another advantage of the integrated encoder: the use of error-prone reference sensors or external sensors is not necessary.

As the ABZO sensor works mechanically, there is also no need to install a battery, so there are no restrictions on driver installation. Oriental Motor supplies the servomotor with a driver with fieldbus (EtherCAT or EtherNet/IP). It can be connected to the higher-level controller via a single cable. Programming is simplified by the sequence function of Oriental Motor's MEXE02 parameterization software.

The AZX series servomotors are available in the standard version with flange dimensions of 60 mm and 85 mm as well as in a version with PS gearbox (flange dimension 90 mm). Both the standard version and the model with PS gearbox are equipped with an electromagnetic brake. A braking resistor is available as an accessory, which is connected to the driver and dissipates the braking energy generated.

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