Laser sensors

Optical sensors enhancing process control for sustainable metal and steel industry

Climate change is considered a key challenge of one of the most discussed topics in modern society. While steel is the most recycled material in the world, the steel industry remains one of the largest industrial emitters of carbon dioxide. This is where ProSpeed Laser Surface Velocimeters can lead a contribution.

Optical sensors enhancing process control for sustainable metal and steel industry

Climate change is one of the dominant challenges facing modern society and industry. Although steel is one of the most recycled materials in the world, the steel industry remains the largest industrial emitter of carbon dioxide. For greater sustainability and responsible manufacturing, ProSpeed laser surface velocity meters can assist in process control and improve efficiency in industrial manufacturing: precise measurement and process control leads to less scrap or waste, for example by improving cut-to-length control in processes such as continuous casting and plate production.

According to the World Steel Association, approximately 7 to 9 % of total global CO2 emissions are directly related to the production of steel.1 This equates to approximately one-third of total global emissions from all industries combined.2

The World Steel Association, representing more than 80 % of the world's steel production, has agreed on a program called "Step Up" to address specific actions aimed at improving the sustainability impact of the steel industry.

Process optimization and production efficiency pay big dividends in terms of improved throughput, reduced scrap and increased yield, with the added benefit of reducing the carbon footprint. Many specific factors are involved from process to process, but length and velocity measurement can be found in nearly all processes from the caster upwards.  In addition, optimizing length measurement in one process not only helps that process, but often reduces scrap and improves yield in subsequent processes and resulting products.

  • Precisecontrol of thecutlength on continuous casters (no. 1)
  • Crop-optimization in hotstripmills (no. 2)
  • Reliable control of throughputtimes at reheatingfurnaces (no. 3)

Furthermore, precise speed information can also be used as a control variable in many processes, which can lead to significant improvements in the quality of the end products and stabilize the processes.

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