Motion Control

Multicore and multitasking solution

Multicore and multitasking solution

Motion Control has always been an essential component of TwinCAT automation software from Beckhoff and is successfully used in many projects across all industries. With TwinCAT MC3, the next Motion Control generation is now available, which is characterised in particular by a modular architecture and consistent multicore and multitask support.

All the successful features of the previous Motion Control solutions - TwinCAT NC2 - are retained with the new generation. In addition, TwinCAT MC3 can be operated in parallel to NC2 and MC3 axes can be coupled to existing NC2 axes. This means that new machine components can be implemented with TwinCAT MC3 without having to adapt existing machine components. TwinCAT MC3 offers numerous new advantages for motion control thanks to its new modular architecture. These include, in particular, multicore and multitask support. In addition, there is no longer a fixed restriction on the number of axes.

TwinCAT MC3 can be distributed across several CPU cores, whereby synchronised movements are possible across all cores. Furthermore, axes can be operated on the same CPU core with different cycle times, depending on their speed and function. In this way, the CPU core is optimally utilised, as the "fastest" axis no longer sets the cycle time for all axes.
